Exploring how Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project by VRX Silica advances?

 Discover the notable progress made by VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. Learn about the commencement of the Public Environmental Review (PER) period and the company's dedication to addressing stakeholder feedback. Get insights into VRX Silica's investor outlook and explore the projects within their expansive silica sand portfolio in Western Australia.

When it comes to sustainable silica sand projects, VRX Silica Limited is making significant strides. With the initiation of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period, following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD), VRX Silica's Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project is advancing closer to reality.

The acceptance of the Arrowsmith North Environmental Review Document by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) further demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency and environmental responsibility.

During the PER process, VRX Silica understands the importance of addressing all comments received regarding the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage serves as the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The recommendations made in the report will play a crucial role in the approval decision by the Western Australian Environment Minister.

Investor Outlook:

VRX Silica's commitment to sustainability and responsible resource extraction has captured the attention of investors. With a share price of AUD 0.125 per share and a 52-week range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190 per share, the company's performance in the market has been notable. As of June 19th, 2023, VRX Silica has a market capitalization of AUD 70 million, with 560.40 million shares issued.

About VRX Silica:

VRX Silica Limited is an ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company with a dedicated focus on driving innovation and sustainable practices. The company's portfolio comprises four silica sand projects in Western Australia. In addition to the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, they also have the Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, located near Eneabba, south of Geraldton. Furthermore, VRX Silica has the Muchea Silica Sand Project, situated north of Perth, and the Boyatup Silica Sand Project, positioned 100 km east of Esperance.


The Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project by VRX Silica is making significant progress in its approval process, evident through the commencement of the PER period and the publication of the ERD. By addressing stakeholder feedback and adhering to sustainable practices, VRX Silica is laying a strong foundation for the project's success. With their robust investor outlook and dedication to responsible resource extraction, VRX Silica continues to shape the future of the silica sand industry in Western Australia.


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