VRX Silica Initiates Public Environmental Review for Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project with Publication of ERD

 VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) has reached a significant milestone in the approval process for its Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. With the initiation of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD), VRX Silica showcases its commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection. This article provides an overview of the progress made by VRX Silica, highlights the PER process, and discusses the investor outlook and the company's profile.

Advancement in the Approval Process:

The commencement of the PER period and the publication of the ERD mark a notable advancement in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has accepted the ERD for publication and release, demonstrating their confidence in VRX Silica's proposed plans. This step signifies the company's dedication to addressing stakeholder feedback and ensuring thorough environmental assessments.

The Importance of Public Environmental Review:

During the PER period, VRX Silica is required to address all comments received regarding the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage serve as the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The report will include recommendations to the Western Australian Environment Minister, which will influence the approval decision for the project.

Investor Outlook:

VRX Silica's investor outlook reflects a positive market perception. As of June 19th, 2023, the company's share price stands at AUD 0.125 per share, with a 52-week range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190 per share. With a market capitalization valued at AUD 70 million and 560.40 million shares issued, VRX Silica demonstrates its strong presence and position in the market.

About VRX Silica:

VRX Silica Limited is an esteemed ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company, driven by an expert board and management team. The company's portfolio consists of four silica sand projects in Western Australia, including the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, Muchea Silica Sand Project, and Boyatup Silica Sand Project. These projects are strategically located across Western Australia, demonstrating VRX Silica's commitment to the industry's growth and development.


The initiation of the Public Environmental Review (PER) period and the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) signify a significant step forward for VRX Silica's Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. By addressing stakeholder feedback and upholding sustainable practices, VRX Silica aims to obtain the necessary approvals for the project. Investors and stakeholders can stay informed about the company's progress and environmental initiatives through VRX Silica's official channels. However, it is important to conduct thorough research and seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.


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